PMC Residential  Weekend Retreat
Friday- Saturday- Sunday
May 16,17,18 2025
the Buddha's Path to Happiness
Led by Annie Nugent
To be held at
Saint Raphaela Center
616 Coopertown Road
Haverford, Pennsylvania



Practicing the Buddha's Path to Happiness

In a world filled with complexity and uncertainty  is it possible to be truly happy?
This retreat will show us how, by deepening  our understanding of what the Buddha's Path entails, we can come to know this kind of happiness. We learn to live in the world with an ever increasing  kindness and understanding  of ourselves and each other as we continue on this path.

Annie Nugent has practiced since 1979 and was an IMS Resident Teacher, 1999-2003. Her teaching style aims to reveal how all aspects of our lives can help us come to a clear and direct understanding of the Truth.

The cost for a retreat is $285.00   This fee includes two overnights and six meals
Semi-private rooms. Some Single Rooms are available for an additional $50 
Cost for commuters is $250 which includes meals. Supporting member discount $35
Silence throughout with instruction, sitting and walking meditation.
Registration and room assignments Friday 5 PM to 6:30 PM     Retreat ends Sunday at 4 PM
A dana basket will be available for teacher donations.
The administration at St. Raphaela has recently changed their payment policy. PMC is now required to pay for the retreat one week prior to the event using the list of attendees at that time to determine the amount owed. We therefore are asking that attendees pay the entire fee for the retreat by May 9th. This payment is fully refundable until May 9, 2025
Limited spaces available and pre-registration is mandatory.
   Early registration is strongly encouraged.

A WEEKEND RETREAT is a wonderful opportunity to learn  meditation, to energize and deepen  our practice and share in the support of others. We will be alternating sitting, standing, and walking meditation using Vipassana (Insight) Meditation as a means to opening to the innate wisdom, joy, and peace which lies in each of us. There will be instructions, practice, dharma talks, and silence.

The retreat will be offered on a dana basis. The word dana comes from the ancient Pali language and means "generosity of heart." It is said that when the Buddha met someone who had never been exposed to his teachings, he began by teaching the blessings of generosity. The Buddha said, " If you knew what I know about the blessings of generosity, you would never sit down to a meal without sharing it with another."
    Generosity is the natural expression of an open heart, a heart that is free from the need to protect. The highest form of generosity is the act of giving that is free of obligation and expectation. It is a spontaneous impulse of the heart, motivated by a wise understanding of where freedom lies.
    In traditional Buddhist countries, monks and nuns have all of their needs met by the generosity of lay people. Monastics go on alms round daily to collect their food. Along with the feeding of the monastic community, another purpose of alms round is to give lay people an opportunity to practice generosity. Even in the poorest villages the people joyfully share what little they have because they so value the presence of the monks and understand the blessings of dana practice. In this country, we have tens of thousands of churches, synagogues, mosques and temples. All of them are built and maintained with donated money, the same dana principle. When the first group of westerners who had studied and practiced in the east returned to the west (some three decades ago), they chose to preserve the teaching of dana as a practice Annie., and the  Philadelphia Meditation Center follow this tradition. The teachers and the founders of PMC have faith that their needs will be met by the generosity of grateful students and retreatants who come to the center.
     The registration fee that you paid for this retreat covers the cost of putting on the retreat which includes teacher transportation, room and board, and advertising. No portion of this goes to the teacher.
Participants will have the opportunity to give a donation to Annie at the end of the retreat .Your donations  are an essential part of what allows the teachers to continue to teach, retreat centers such as PMC to operate, and the dharma to flourish. We invite you to consider the importance of these teachings in your life and to make the support of our teachers and retreat centers a priority in your yearly tithing allotment. Thank you for your generosity and may your life be filled with many blessings

Directions to St. Raphaela Center

Train: Penn Center Station: Take Paoli local to Bryn Mawr Station. 5 minutes by taxi

From Philadelphia: City Line Ave. (South). Turn right on Haverford Rd.. Go about 3 miles to College Ave. Go less than 1 mile. Turn right on Coopertown Rd. to entrance on left.

In Delaware County: Darby Rd. (heading West) to Coopertown Rd. (one block after Ardmore Ave.)  to dead end. Turn right on College Ave. You will pass our EXIT  sign. Continue to next street (Coopertown Rd. again), Turn left and then left to entrance on left.

From I-95 (North or South) to I-476 North to exit 13: St. Davids-Villanova. Follow signs for Villanova. Follow Lancaster Ave. (Route 30 East). You will pass Villanova University on the left. Turn right at County Line Rd. (McDonalds on left). Pass the Bryn Mawr Hospital. One light after Bryn Mawr Ave., turn right on Landover Rd. which eventually becomes Coopertown Rd. Pass Coopertown School on right and look for St. Rafaela entrance sign on right.

From PA Turnpike: (Going West) Get off at exit 25A (476 South). Follow 476 South t0 Exit 13: St Davids-Villanova. Follow directions above from Villanova exit. (Going East) Get off at Valley Forge. Follow 76 East to 476 South. See directions above for 476 South.

RETREAT REGISTRATION, Complete this form and send it with your deposit to:
The Philadelphia Meditation Center, 8 East Eagle Rd., Havertown, PA 19083
Name _________________________________________ Phone__________________

Address ___________________________City_____________________ State______


E-mail ________________________________                                    Male / Female (circle one)

  Residential ($285)             Single Room  ($335)        Commuter ($250)       Supporter (-$35)      (Circle one)

Enclosed is my deposit $ ________ (Minimum $50, fully refundable until 5/9/2025)
Do you smoke? yes/no (circle one)       Do you snore? yes/ no (circle one)

Special needs ____________________________________________________