Philadelphia Meditation Center Schedule 8 E. Eagle Rd., Havertown, Pennsylvania 19083 Telephone: 610.853.8200 E-mail: phlmedctr@aol.com www.philadelphiameditation.org
Regular Sittings are held every Sunday evening. The Center is opened by 6:30 and the sitting begins at 7:00 It will consist of a half-hour sitting, followed by 15 minutes of walking, followed by a second half hour of sitting. Tea is served following the meditation. Monthly Morning Extended Meditation: One Saturday per month. Usually the first Saturday unless otherwise noted. On these Saturdays the Center will open at 8:00 am. There will be beginners' instruction and/or practice discussion from 8:30 to 9:00, and sitting from 9:00 to 11:45. Meditators are also welcome to sit from 8:00 to 9:00 in the upstairs sitting room. After this sitting, meditators are invited to join us in the performance of "yogi jobs" which usually consists of cleaning the Center THESE ARE CANCELLED A THE PRESENT TIME Saturday Afternoon Meditation Sessions: we meet every Saturday of each month from 2 - 5. Some folks come for the whole thing (like a mini-retreat) but others only come for a part - leave early or come later than 2. We sit for 40 minutes, walk for 15 minutes, then take a break - drink tea, chat, whatever. Then at 3 we do it again - sit, walk, break. At four or so we have one last sit, and generally end by about 4:45. It was set up that way so that people could stay as long as they wanted, but could also feel free to leave if they didn't want to stay for the whole thing. Contact helenrosen11@gmail.com Meditation and Recovery The meditation and recovery group has been meeting on zoom. Here is a link . We begin sitting at 7:30 on Wed, nights* and proceed with our meeting as usual. If anyone has any questions I can be contacted at 908 303-8659 by phone or text. Thanks Greg Ardire. https://zoom.us/j/7362240836?pwd=YkJwM2pqM2p6YTNhZXp4NjF0T2FRUT09 Meeting ID: 736 224 0836 Password: dharma 4th Sunday of the Month Dharmette, Sit & Practice Discussion Now on Zoom In person when again safe What we do We have a short dharma talk, a sit, & a practice discussion/check in We do practices to support & deepen our insight practice: EG: Emptiness, Brahma Viharas & Paramitas When: 4th Sunday of the month, 11:00 AM to 12:30 pm ET Where: Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/327593430?pwd=RUhaZk9GVEVjS1pheTBCalVoU1F5UT09 First time? Contact me for zoom entry if it's your 1st time here: adelson@rutgers.edu
4th Friday Poetry at the PMC Friday March 28th 7:30 PM
This event will feature a reading by David Kozinski Joyce Meyers
Hosted by Bill Van Buskirk Philadelphia Meditation Center 8 East Eagle Road Havertown, PA 19083
Free and Easy - A Spontaneous Vajra Song by Venerable Lama Gendun Rinpoche
Happiness cannot be found through great effort and willpower, but is already present, in open relaxation and letting go.
Don't strain yourself, there is nothing to do or undo. Whatever momentarily arises in the body-mind Has no real importance at all, has little reality whatsoever. Why identify with, And become attached to it, Passing Judgment upon it and ourselves?
Far better to simply let the entire game happen on its own, springing up and falling back like waves without changing or manipulating anything and notice how everything vanishes and reappears, magically, Again and again, time without end.
Only our searching for happiness prevents us from seeing it. It's like a vivid rainbow which you pursue without ever catching, or a dog chasing it's own tail.
Although peace and happiness do not exist as an actual thing or place, it is always available and accompanies you every instant.
Don't believe in the reality of good and bad experiences; they are today's ephemeral weather, like rainbows in the sky.
Wanting to grasp the ungraspable, you exhaust yourself in vain. As soon as you open and relax this tight fist of grasping, infinite space is there - open, inviting and comfortable.
Make use of this spaciousness, this freedom and natural ease. Don't search any further looking for the great awakened elephant, who is already resting quietly at home in front of your own hearth.
Nothing to do or undo, nothing to force, nothing to want, And nothing missing.
Emaho! Marvelous! Everything happens by itself.
Shakuhachi Lessons Available
Kurt Nyoshun Findeisen and Robert Nyosei Kline, 2 licensed (jun shihan) members of the KiSuiAn shakuhachi dojo are offering lessons on the Japanese bamboo flute, shakuhachi. For further information:
Kurt Nyoshun Findeisen e-mail: kfind@comcast.net
Robert Nyosei Kline e-mail: rkline@wcupa.edu
Jewel Heart courses Contact philadelphia@jewelheart.org .
MEDITATION INSTRUCTION Beth Adelson, a long-time local teacher, is now available to provide individual or small group instruction. By appointment, adelson@rutgers.edu (215) 219-5296