How are we to live? Join Matthew Daniell to explore this question Three Steps to Awakening What happens to the quality of our lives when daily life and formal meditation practice are lived with open awareness in the here and now? This retreat will use the methods suggested in Larry Rosenberg's book Three Steps to Awakening: A Practice of Bringing Mindfulness to Life to develop a flexible and responsive approach to meditative living that leads toward wholeness and well-being
The three-phase method is deceptively simple and can be worked with for a lifetime: Whole-body breath awareness; Breath as a support to explore a wider range of life; and Choiceless awareness, simply being with things as they are.
THE PRACTICE OF MINDFULNESS, simple yet powerful, is the heart of meditation and the supreme antidote to distraction. Being mindful allows us to be more alert, calm and spacious. It truly is the gateway to liberation because we experience our bodies, emotions and thoughts with greater clarity and balance. The core of insight meditation is the practice of mindfulness, that quality of awareness that sees without judgment. Silent sitting and walking meditation, the first steps in formal practice, become the foundation and continuous inspiration for meeting all aspects of life with a greater openness and willingness to learn.
Matthew Daniell has been practicing Buddhist meditation for over 30 years. He studied Zen in Japan, Tibetan Buddhism in India, and Insight Meditation in India, Burma, Thailand, and the United States. His teachers include Munindra, Dipa Ma, Larry Rosenberg, Sharon Salzberg, Joseph Goldstein, and Jack Kornfield. Matthew is a founder of IMCN, as well as its primary and guiding teacher. He also teaches at various retreat centers including the Omega Institute, Kripalu, and CIMC. He is a member of the Religious Services Department at Phillips Exeter Academy where he leads meditation groups for students and faculty, and teaches online through eMindful.org.
The cost for a retreat is $285.00 This fee includes two overnights and six meals Semi-private rooms. Some Single Rooms are available for an additional $50 Cost for commuters is $250 which includes meals. Supporting member discount $35 Silence throughout with instruction, sitting and walking meditation. Registration and room assignments Friday 5 PM to 6:30 PM Retreat ends Sunday at 4 PM A dana basket will be available for teacher donations. A $50.00 deposit required. Fully refundable until November 12, 2024
Limited spaces available and pre-registration is mandatory. Early registration is strongly encouraged.