Welcome to The Philadelphia Meditation Center (An IRC 501c3) Non-Profit Corporation) 8 East Eagle Road, Havertown, PA 19083 Tel. 610.853.8200 Email: phlmedctr@aol.com
4th Friday Poetry at the PMC Friday March 28th 7:30 PM
This event will feature a reading by David Kozinski Joyce Meyers
Hosted by Bill Van Buskirk Philadelphia Meditation Center 8 East Eagle Road Havertown, PA 19083
The Thursday Evening Zoom Meditation has a new link and a new format. The link will open at 7:00 PM for Questions and Answers and Discussion. Meditation will begin at 7:30PM and will be for 45 minutes. There will be no walking meditation and only the one meditation period. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85794798885?pwd=Q1V0Y21DSzVYT2RiUm1MWGNib3lTdz09
PMC Book Discussion Group First and Third Mondays of the Month Held on Zoom If Interested in Joining Us Please Contact Roger Lopata at RALopata@verizon.net
The Thursday evening meditation and Monday book discussion are held via ZOOM. The Thursday meditation session is held only on Zoom. In person meditation is held on Saturday afternoon and Sunday evening.
SATURDAY AFTERNOON MEDITATION IN PERSON We will meet from 2 - 4:45. You are welcome to join us for all or any portion of the afternoon. Please enter the center using the back door, as the front door will be locked. If you do need to enter from the front, please knock loudly and someone will come to the door and let you in. For any additional information, please email: helenrosen11@gmail.com.
PMC Meditation and Emotional Wellness Support group Description: Join us to enhance your applied meditation practice and share lived experiences while finding support in a safe space. This group meets twice a month on Mondays at 7:30 PM (it will alternate with the book club) starting 4/11/22. It will be hosted by Nalaka Gooneratne. We will have a hybrid format, so participants can attend either in-person at PMC or via Zoom based on their personal preference. We'll begin with a 10-20 minute sitting meditation, then transition to a discussion/support group for 40-60 minutes. Participants can share challenges they've experienced, offer advice, and discuss application of mindfulness strategies, incorporating practical guidance from the early Buddhist texts (suttas). Please contact Nalaka Gooneratne (f448@protonmail.com) if you are interested in attending, and feel free to share this invite with others you think may be interested in joining in person."